GloFish is a patented and trademarked brand of genetically modified (GM) fluorescent fish.
Several color varieties of GloFish are currently available here in our store.
Click here to view all of the types of GloFish in this store.
The ancestors of our GloFish had DNA from a different animal spliced into their DNA.
So these GloFish have not been dyed or injected with dye.
Above: The picture above shows a nice young premium quality GloFish Tetra swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture.
Comments: This is a Premium Pet Fish, and we rarely see Premium Tetras like this one in any of the live fish stores or online stores that we visit.
Premium Pet Fish are more energetic, hardier, and have brighter colors with a beautiful metallic sheen.
Click here to learn more about Premium Pet Fish.
Origin: This fish's ancestors lived in the Amazon Rainforest in southern South America, but this fish was spawned and raised on a famous fish farm, and these Tetras now live in many aquariums throughout most of the world.
Maximum Size: This fish can grow to be about 2.5" long including the tail.
Behaviors: These guys are active and quarrel with each other but don't do much harm.
Compatibility: Some recommended tank mates include small fish like Guppies, Platys, Corydoras Catfish, Gouramis, etc.
Click here to read more about compatible groups of pet fish.
Temperature: They can live pretty well from about 68 to 80 degrees F., but they're probably most comfortable at about 75 to 78 degrees F.
Click here to learn about aquarium temperature, aquarium thermometers, and aquarium heaters.
Feeding: Premium Fish Food Flakes. Click here to learn more about and shop online for premium fish foods.
Keep at most one fish per gallon, when they're small, and one fish for each 2-gallons, when they're large.
Live Plants are beautiful, improve the water quality, and are enjoyed by these Tetras.
The addition of Lava Rocks will keep nitrates in the ideal range. Click here to learn more about using Lava Rocks in aquariums.
Life Span: They'll probably live for a few years with good water and good food.
Gender: The females fill with eggs and become plumper, as they mature.
Breeding: Tetras scatter their eggs on plants or special breeding mops made of nylon yarn.
Popularity: This is a long time favorite and is still very popular.
Names: The scientific name is Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, and this fish is sometimes called a Black Widow, but we don't hear that name much anymore.
All of our fish are Premium Quality Fish from the best suppliers in the world. Our fish have better health, more energy and brighter colors, as you can see in our pictures on this website.
We have 380-aquariums with lots-and-lots of popular aquarium fish plus lots-and-lots of rare fish!
We consider ourselves to be the link between the world's best sources of fish and the world's best customers. We love our work, and we are very responsible about caring for our fish and then shipping them carefully.
We also offer lots and lots of information about keeping and caring for pet fish, all from the knowledge of the Bailey Brothers, who have a combined total of 100+ years of experience as breeders, wholesalers, and retailers of pet fish!
Our fish and our customers are treated with the best of care, and we work energetically everyday to make sure every customer enjoys their new fishy friends.
When you purchase pet fish from us, you know you're receiving premium quality fish and premium quality service.
"Received my fish last night and was so pleased! They all arrived alive and appeared to be healthy.
"Once in the tank, they became very active and are now thriving in their new home.
"Beautiful fish, I asked for color and aquariumfish delivered. Processing and shipping was extremely quick."
Nevin and DrTom, the Bailey Brothers
This website is owned and operated by the Bailey Brothers, DrTom and Nevin, who've been together in the fish business for more than 50-years.
The Product Manager has been with the company for more than 35-years.
So we feel very confident that this is the fishiest crew anywhere.